Frequently Asked Questions in Idrica Academy

The method of enrolment is either individual or group enrolment, both of which will be dictated by the coordinator or leader of each working group. He/she determines who enrols and in which courses.
There is currently no set deadline for the courses, although we are considering the idea of applying deadlines to each course. Your manager will receive detailed reports on everything that happens in the Idrica ACADEMY, so that he/she can monitor the use of the Idrica ACADEMY by the people under his/her responsibility.
Any errors occurring in the Idrica ACADEMY environment can be reported to the following e-mail:
The basic difference between a course and a training plan is that a course is made up of a series of topics or didactic units, an evaluation test, a satisfaction survey and a course completion certificate. On the other hand, a training plan is made up of a set of courses that have a common theme or are related, in order to have a more complete training in the subject.
The course is considered to be completed when the evaluation test is taken and the passing grade is achieved, with the following completion of the satisfaction survey and the awarding of the course completion certificate.
A certificate of completion is available for all courses, except for the Solution Overview courses. Not all courses have a certificate. It is up to the guidelines and competencies to assign and validate a certificate to a given course. .
It is recommended to access Idrica ACADEMY from a PC, to get a better overview of the content integrated in the training courses, but it can be accessed from any device without any problem. Idrica Academy is available using web browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox etc...
Suggestions for new courses or specific courses for clients should be sent to the following email address: Once we receive the proposals, we will proceed to analyse the requests and consider whether they are appropriate. .
It is recommended that you first take the training plans in which you have been enrolled, because the courses that are included in them are ordered in a coherent way so that they can be taken correctly.Please note that you will receive an email for each of the courses you are enrolled in, including courses that are part of the training plan. If you have any questions, please write to  .